I really like the King County Library System. It’s comprehensive, has a great online presence and offers a great service here in Snoqualmie. It loans music and DVDs, and has free wi-fi. Fantastic!

While reading blogs I want to know sometimes if the item is available in the library system. Inspired by Jon Udell’s bookmarklet generator, I created a couple of Accelerators for IE8 bootstrapped by the example at Sudeep Gopalakrishnan’s blog (the official documentation is on MSDN at this link).

If you want to try them out, here are two versions. If you are going to choose one, go for the Keyword Search.

Add KCLS accelerator - Keyword Search

Add KCLS accelerator - ISBN Search

There seems to be a limitation or bug: I couldn’t install both accelerators at the same time. There wasn’t anything on the page to indicate that you couldn’t have more than one accelerator with the same home page or root URL.

Once you have it installed, you can try it out with these two pieces of data: ISBN-13 978-0-87842-308-8 and the title? Birds of the Pacific Northwest Mountains.

The accelerator implements the preview hook, but the KCLS simple text search is a bit limited. If it says it doesn’t work, try the full search by clicking on the accelerator.

Here are the XML definition files for the accelerators.

Might be time for a random email to the KCLS web master. If only to point out that the KCLS site looks pretty messed up in IE8 sometimes ;-)